Responsibility, respect, integrity, professionalism, equity, trust and transparency are the core values of the code. Each member of the community must act in accordance with these values, draw inspiration from them and feel responsible for promoting them. In order to ensure that these values are always remembered and respected, a project about Ethics and Art has been set up, involving the creation of art installations, placed throughout the Politecnico campuses, through which the Code’s founding values are expressed. The power of the language of art makes the values immediately visible both to those who experience our campuses every day and to those who visit it even for just one day.
There are three types of sculpture and installation: two totems, Muro and Setto, made of prefabricated concrete, where the inscriptions of the values are imprinted in the material and through the insertion of a Corten steel sheet highlighting the value. The third typology, Traccia, consists of a special paving with concrete blocks, with a surface finish made of a mixture of granite, porphyry and quartz, with the letters in relief, linearly composing, and impressed into the earth, the values of the Code. Each campus is characterised by a different type of installation in order to highlight one of the seven values in particular.
Credits | Project Etica e Arte Place Campus Leonardo, Milano – Campus Bonardi, Milano – Campus Giuriati, Milano – Campus La Masa, Milano – Campus Durando, Milano – Campus di Cremona – Campus di Piacenza – Campus di Mantova – Campus di Lecco Scientific Manager Prof. Emilio Faroldi, Prorettore Delegato, Politecnico di Milano Scientific Committee of the Project Prof.ssa Viola Schiaffonati (Referente del progetto), Chiara Pesenti (Dirigente Area Comunicazione e relazioni esterne), Alessio Rocca (Rappresentante del studenti), Arch. Davide Allegri, Arch. Marta Cognigni, Arch. Matteo Cervini, Arch. Giuseppe Mondini (Referente del progetto), Arch. Paolo Raffaglio Partners ATE – Area Tecnico Edilizia, Politecnico di Milano Photographs Prof. Marco Ausano Introini Year of the Project 2020 Realization 2021